Student Film


New member
Jul 9, 2021
Until Sunrise

Caroline Koonce, co-dir.-screenwriter; Jeanna Mae Jaurigue, co-dir-DP.; Michelle Leduc, co-prod.; Casey O'Sullivan, co-prod.

Production Description
Casting "Until Sunrise", a student-produced short film. Logline: As three friends discover their town has been invaded by monsters, they must grapple with a deadly choice - do they save their trapped friend, or do they save themselves?

Gabriel (Lead): Male, 30-40

Gabriel is a broad man with darker hair and eyes. He's fatherly and intelligent, with an unspoken need to protect those he loves. He doesn't want power or responsibility, but he handles it well. Kind to a fault, even to those who may not deserve it. He's experienced in the ways of his world and tries to help others cope as best as they can.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

Naomi (Lead): Female, 30-40

Naomi is a woman with sharp eyes and a somewhat muscular frame. She’s defensive, guarded, and selfish, but she’s learned to be that way through experience. She has a very strict moral code, but her morals may be slightly skewed from what we consider to be acceptable. She knows what she has to do, and she's only a little afraid of what she might have to do to achieve her goals. This role requires the actor to handle a gun.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
Required Skills:
  • Weapons Training

Logan (Lead): Male, 20-25

Logan is a lanky, younger man - like he never fully grew into his body. He's not the most experienced in how his world works, but his energetic personality covers up that underlying anxiety (most of the time). He loves the people around him fiercely - especially his brother, Jimmy - and would go to great lengths to protect them, even when that means putting himself at risk. When faced with his worst nightmare, he taps into a powerful well of rage.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

Jimmy (Voiceover): Male, 25-50WORK FROM HOME

Jimmy is a strong yet terrified man whose voice we hear throughout the latter half of the film. As Gabriel, Naomi, and his brother Logan decide whether or not to risk saving him and endangering themselves, we hear him plead and scream for help until night finally comes.
  • English
Required Media: Voice Reel

Markin (Voiceover): Male, 25+

Markin is a fatalistic news [Pending Approval] KITF who breaks from his on-air script in order to warn everyone about the oncoming danger, and is later murdered on air because of that. Later in the film, a monster takes his form in order to give his listeners a false sense of security about the oncoming attack.
  • English
Required Media: Voice Reel

Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations
In-person callback auditions are at DePaul's Theatre School on August 13th from 7-9 pm. Rehearses late August through late September. Tentative shooting dates are September 25-26, location TBA.

Stipend: $75 - $125/DailyPerformers: Union $125/day, Non-Union $100/day with travel and meals provided. Voiceover Artists: Non-Union only, $75/day. Producers plan on applying for a SAG-AFTRA Student Film Agreement.